About our Organisation

The Friends of Waldorf Education (Freunde der Erziehungskunst Rudolf Steiners e.V.) support Waldorf schools, kindergartens, curative education facilities and social projects in Europe and worldwide since 1976. The organization provides international voluntary services and is active in the field of Emergency Pedagogy which helps to stabilize individuals psychologically and socially which are affected in a traumatizing form within war zones and disaster areas.

Since 1993, the Friends of Waldorf Education organize and manage international voluntary services and provides cross-border volunteering opportunities for usually one year. As a sending organisation Friends of Waldorf Education provide volunteering opportunities for about 780 volunteers per year. More than 10,000 young people have so far participated in the long-term voluntary service programs which took place in more than 350 projects in more than 60 countries.

Since 2006 the Friends of Waldorf Education facilitate one year incoming voluntary service for volunteers from abroad in Anthroposophical institutions in Germany. About 200 European and international volunteers per year take part in this programs.

Since 2011 Friends of Waldorf Education offer as well in-country voluntary services. This domestic programs are open to domestic volunteers as part of the Voluntary Social Year (FSJ) as well as the Federal Volunteer Service (BFD). About 750 volunteers take part in this programs each year.
Overall, the Friends of Waldorf Education now serve more than 1,700 volunteers per year and are one of the largest organisations for international voluntary services in Germany.

Currently Friends of Waldorf Education cooperates with European partners in most of the EU member countries as well as several European neighbouring countries

Freunde der ERziehungskunst Rudolph Steiner

Countries of operation:
Currently Friends of Waldorf Education cooperates with European partners in most of the EU member countries as well as several European neighbouring countries

Participation in EVS:
Yes, EVS from 1997 until 2008; ESC since 2017

Programmes with whom these organisations work:
European Solidarity Corps (ESC)
Internationaler Jugendfreiwilligendienst (IJFD) weltwärts
Freiwilliges Soziales Jahr (FSJ)
Bundesfreiwilligendienst (BFD)
Deutsch-Französischer Freiwilligendienst (DFFD)

Affiliations with umbrella organisations and networks:
Arbeitskreis „Lernen und Helfen in Übersee“ e.V. www.entwicklungsdienst.de
Der Paritätische Gesamtverband

Claudio Jax | +49 721 35 48 06-0 |

Parzivalstr. 2b | 76139 Karlsruhe | Germany