Policy paper for the new ESC program Positionspapier_zu neuem ESK Programm_NEVSO Document de position pour le nouveau programme CES_NEVSO_210929
Positionspapier von NEVSO: Freiwilligendienste gegen Ausgrenzung
Declaration de NEVSO: des services volontaires contre la discrimination
Positionspaper of NEVSO: Voluntary service against discrimination

Position Papers
Statement of the Network of European Voluntary Service Organisations (NEVSO) concerning the stakeholder consultation of the European Solidarity Corps Download Feedback of member organisations of the Network of European Voluntary Service Organisations (NEVSO) to the legal framework of the European

President Jean-Claude Juncker’s State of the Union Address 2017
CATCHING THE WIND IN OUR SAILS Mr President, Honourable Members of the European Parliament, When I stood before you this time last year, I had a somewhat easier speech to give. It was plain for all to see that our