About our Organisation

EDYN is a network of ecumenical, Christian, voluntary service programmes that send and receive volunteers worldwide.

The programmes provide opportunities for long term (and occasionally short term) voluntary service in social, environmental and educational institutions and church congregations.

Objectives of the network are:

- to organise exchanges of volunteers of all faiths and non-faith;

- to co-ordinate non-formal education and support for the volunteers;

- to share experience, learn from and support each other nationally and internationally;

- to develop common standards and goals for voluntary service;

- to promote voluntary service within church and society;

- to advise churches and church – linked organisations on setting up voluntary service programmes;

- to offer best practices for staff and organisational support;

- to encourage diversity and enhance access to volunteering by targeting volunteers with fewer opportunities;

- lobbying for the improvement of voluntary service conditions at European level and worldwide

At present EDYN Members have sent about 370 volunteers and are hosting 350 volunteers of all faiths and non-faith (plus 14.500 national volunteers).

Programmes with whom these organisations work:

Europäischer Freiwilligendienst (EFD),
Internationaler Jugendfreiwilligendienst (IJFD),
Service Civique (SC),
weltwärts (ww),
Freiwilliges Soziales Jahr (FSJ),
Bundesfreiwilligendienst (BFD),
non-funded voluntary services

Affiliations with umbrella organisations and networks:

Phiren Amenca

Participation in EVS:
From the start of European Voluntary Service in 1996 EDYN has been involved in the implementation and development of the programme. EDYN Members send and host about 130 volunteers each year through EVS. As from rom 2018 we will also take part in the ESC.

Ecumenical Diaconal Year Network
e-mail contact: edyn@edyn.org

Ecumenical Diaconal Year Network, 44 rue Brogniez, 1070 Brussels